What is this SBOM thing Anyway?

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) are showing up everywhere now. Government regulations, regulated industries, customer demands, management questions. But what do they actually do and do you REALLY need one? If you read any security news lately, it seems like everyone is talking about how an SBOM can solve whatever problem is going on. And it sounds like everyone else is YEARS into their SBOM journey. But many of us don’t even know what they are. The reality is nobody actually has SBOMs figured out, or even know what to do with them. SBOMs are still very new and come with some benefits as well as challenges. In this session we will look at what an SBOM is. Did you know there are different data formats and even different types of SBOMs? We will cover what we can do with them, and some of the coming tools and ideas around SBOMs. The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed.